Services provided to businesses by MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center
Applying a customer-focused approach and tailoring our services to a company’s particular needs, we work with both employers and job seekers to provide relevant information, anticipate possible obstacles, and help organizations target and access suitable resources and solutions.
Our business services include:
Business Visitation Program: Our employer service representatives make onsite visits to companies throughout the Commonwealth and then provide information on the various local, state, and federal programs available to assist them through any point in the business cycle; whether expanding, downsizing, or looking to train current staff.
Community Resource Information: In conjunction with MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board, we’re able to assist employers interested in re-locating to the region by connecting them with state and local economic development agencies.
Through partnerships with a variety of organizations, such as the Metro South Chamber of Commerce, Brockton 21st Century, Old Colony Planning Council, and the Small Business Administration, we provide access to valuable community resources.
Federal/State Training Fund Information: We routinely help businesses identify and access federal and state grants available for worker training and education, as well as programs that assist employees with outplacement services. Examples of available grants include:
- MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board
- Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund
- State Workshare Program
- Massachusetts Rapid Response
- Mass BizWorks
Job Fairs and Networking: We organize targeted business seminars and networking opportunities that connect employers with other business professionals from the region and with the hundreds of qualified workers that attend our job fairs.
Local and National Job Postings: Employment openings can be posted to the MassHire Department of Career Services and Massachusetts Job Quest, making them accessible to thousands of job seekers, who are based locally and statewide.
Labor Market Information: We provide current labor market information, including links to prevailing industry wages, employment data by community, and other state and national trends regarding employment and the labor market.
Marketing your Company to Job Seekers: MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center offers an innovative marketing program to help businesses reach prospective employees. We incorporate direct mailings, flyers, postings at the MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center and on online forums, as well as organize job fairs, connecting employers with qualified job seekers.
Onsite Recruiting: We’re available to coordinate all facets of your organization’s recruitment event, including screening and matching of qualified candidates, scheduling of our facility’s conference rooms and equipment, and assisting with facilitation of the session from beginning to end.