The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Donahue Institute

UMass Donahue Institute Leadership

Module - 50th Anniversary Video link

Learn about the institute

We turned 50 in 2021. This video tells you about our past and our vision for the future.


Listing of organization-wide leadership.

Johan Uvin

Executive Director

Johan Uvin

From 2017 to 2020 Dr. Johan Uvin was president of the Institute for Educational Leadership in Washington, DC. where he facilitated and implemented the institute’s five-year strategic plan. He also founded Strategy Advising, a consulting practice that provides strategic advising services to senior leaders in education, workforce development, educational technology start-ups, and non-profit organizations.

Dr. Uvin served at the U.S. Department of Education from 2009-2017. He coordinated all strategy development for the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) with a staff of 80 and over $1.7 billion in resources. He also led policy development and implementation for adult education, career and technical education, community colleges, national and international efforts focused on youth not in education, training, or employment, and market-based outcome-driven alternative funding models for education and workforce development. 

Dr. Uvin earlier held various leadership positions with the Rhode Island Department of Education and with the Commonwealth Corporation in Boston. He has also managed projects and programs in the Massachusetts Department of Education and a number of non-profit organizations in Boston.  

Dr. Uvin received 2020 Harvard Alumni Council Award for outstanding contributions to education in the U.S.

He received his master’s of education in international education and doctor of education in administration, planning, and social policy from Harvard University.  

(413) 545-5934

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Carol Anne McGowan

Associate Director

Carol Anne McGowan

Carol Anne McGowan, M.A., M.B.A. works closely with the executive director to develop and implement management strategies, systems, and practices across the Institute. She is directly responsible for overseeing all fiscal and human resource functions. Previously, she served as the organization’s director of administration and finance. Ms. McGowan first joined the Institute in 2000 as a member of the Financial Management, Education and Training (FMET) team. She spent over 10 years with FMET developing curriculum and instructing in the areas of government finance and accounting for the U.S. Department of Defense. In addition to her role as associate director, Ms. McGowan has developed a credited course on post award management of grants and contracts, which she will teach on occasion through UMass Amherst’s Isenberg School of Management.

Ms. McGowan received her master's of arts in human resources and organizational development from Webster University and a master's in business administration from UMass Isenberg School of Management.

(413) 545-6654

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UMass Donahue Institute

University of Massachusetts Amherst

100 Venture Way, Suite 9

Hadley, Massachusetts 01035

(413) 545-0001

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