Pakathon brings together diaspora with visiting professors from Balochistan province
The six professors visiting as part of the Balochistan University Partnership traveled to Boston this weekend for the 2016 Boston Pakathon. Pakathon is an annual workshop focused on social entrepreneurship in Pakistan.
The professors were joined by 25 Boston-area Pakistani-Americans who brainstormed ideas for actual startup organizations that will be funded by seed money, helped along to creation to assist targeted populations in Pakistan. Examples of the ideas discussed by the breakout groups were educational data collection, the provision of trauma counseling services, and increasing cultural understandings between Islamic and non-Islamic cultures.
Pakathons were simultaneously held in Atlanta, Chicago, New York and Washington, DC.
Each of the groups pitched to judges (practicing entrepreneurs) at the end of the workshop. The winning pitch was invited to the national finals in Washington, DC in November.
October 16, 2016