The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Donahue Institute

2024 Publication Archive

Hiring Skilled Immigrants: Recommendations for Massachusetts

Studying barriers to and interventions that address hiring skilled immigrants is an important workforce and economic development issue for Massachusetts. There is a high concentration of immigrants in the Commonwealth, especially in Boston and other gateway cities throughout the state. Maximizing the labor potential of skilled immigrants, including the utilization of skillsets from international  credentials, will both increase the labor productivity of the state and help with broader issues of inequality and equity in Massachusetts. Addressing barriers to hiring skilled immigrants will only become moreimportant in future years, given Massachusetts’ aging labor force and increased need to fill critical job vacancies in the state. Prepared for our client, African Bridge Network. 


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University of Massachusetts Amherst

100 Venture Way, Suite 9

Hadley, Massachusetts 01035

(413) 545-0001

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