FY18 University of Massachusetts Economic Contribution Analysis
Prepared for the UMass President's Office
March 2021
The University of Massachusetts System offers invaluable educational opportunities in a wide array of disciplines and engages in important research activities recognized throughout the world. The general public tends to understand UMass’s role in these key areas, but is often unaware that the institution is also a major contributor to the statewide economy. UMass not only makes a direct contribution to the Massachusetts economy through the spending and jobs supported by its academic, administration, and construction activities, but also generates a “ripple effect” that leads to an even larger impact in the economy as a result of demand on suppliers of goods and services as well as employee spending. The purpose of this report is to perform an objective analysis to quantify the economic contributions of the University of Massachusetts System and its campuses on the Commonwealth’s economy.
The website of the UMass President's office, the institute's client for this report, has a list of highlights.