The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Donahue Institute

2013 Publication Archive

2013 Massachusetts STEM Dashboard

The Department of Higher Education, with approval from the Governor’s STEM Advisory Council, contracted with the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute to develop a new statewide science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) indicators system for benchmarking Massachusetts’ progress in key educational and economic areas associated with the Pipeline Fund’s goals.

The outcome of the Institute's work is a new Data Dashboard, similar to the former Massachusetts Statewide STEM Indicators Project (MASSIP), but reflective of the six quantitative goals of the STEM Plan and developed to present the data through three distinct views: 1) overall progress for each of the STEM goals, 2) overall state progress with respect to the national average and, 3) specific information related to subgroups. The DHE recognizes the new data dashboard is a living, breathing document that will change and grow as data is updated or new data sources become available.


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UMass Donahue Institute

University of Massachusetts Amherst

100 Venture Way, Suite 9

Hadley, Massachusetts 01035

(413) 545-0001

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