Worcester Business Journal: Devens jobs, businesses on rise
The Worcester Business Journal included the findings of a UMass Donahue Institute report, which examined the economic impact of businesses located in Devens. The report, completed by the Institute's Economic and Public Policy Research group, found that employment, wages, and the number of businesses in Devens all increased between 2013 and 2014, generating economic benefits for the broader Bay State economy.
This was the third annual report measuring Devens' economic impact completed by the Donahue Institute. Devens, a former U.S. Army base that’s been redeveloped into a community of commercial and non-profit businesses, employs 4,030 workers, up from 3,634 in 2013, and 3,208 in 2012. Seventy-four percent of those jobs are in the private sector, with the rest nonprofit and government jobs.
According to the report, Devens’ employers generate combined sales of $918 million, as well as additional spending of $665 million in local supply chains, for a total contribution to the Massachusetts economy of $1.5 million.
Read article: Devens jobs, businesses on rise
July 23, 2014