UMDI program guides area students toward careers in health care
The Bio Medical Science Camp, offered by the Health Careers Opportunity program, gives incoming ninth graders at Springfield High School of Science and Technology a look at the allied health field. The students participate in lab experiments, college tours and job-shadowing programs, while gaining experience in personal financial management, oral and written communication, and job interview techniques.
“It’s all a matter of getting students to start thinking about after high school,” says Sanford E. Jeames, project manager of the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute Pioneer Valley Health Careers Opportunity Program.
The program focuses on exposing students to the variety of careers in the health care field, as well as the preparation and prerequisites necessary for health profession degree programs. The students say they are enjoying the six week program.
“I think the program is pretty cool,” says Ashley G. Kyles, “it’s a big opportunity for us.”
“We learned what viruses you can catch, how fast it can spread and how dangerous it can be,” says Candace M. Hart.
Both students say they are interested in pursuing medical careers. “I’d probably like to be a vet,” says Hart.
August 09, 2009