Multiple outlets: Mass. businesses think the 2020 state economy will shrink
Massbenchmarks cited as source of economic predictions
Two recent articles reported the results of a survey by statewide business group Associated Industries of Massachusetts. Business owners across the state were asked their opinions about the state of the economy. Two-thirds of the survey respondents expected the state's economy to contract in 2020.
A publication of the MassBenchmarks project, "Current and Leading Indices", is cited as a source of possible shrinking of recently vigorous state economy.
From the Boston Globe:
...the latest MassBenchmarks index indicates annualized growth of the state’s economy could slow to a meager 1 percent in the fourth quarter.
From today's Springfield Republican article, "Two-thirds of Massachusetts employers predict economy will shrink in 2020, survey says" :
In July, MassBenchmarks, a study of the economy from the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute, said that in the second quarter of 2019, Massachusetts real gross domestic product grew at a 1.4% annualized rate. U.S. real gross domestic product grew at a 2.1% rate, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Read article: Businesses increasingly worry about an economic contraction in 2020
October 08, 2019