The Republican: DCU Center in Worcester to host statewide STEM conference
An article in The Republican announced the 2014 Massachusetts STEM Summit and its location to the DCU Center in Worcester. This year the Summit will feature the theme, “Gateway to the Future,” and the venue change casts a spotlight on how the city of Worcester has integrated STEM into its economic development goals. For the past two years, the Summit has been held at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro.
Lynn Griesemer, Executive Director of the UMass Donahue Institute is quoted in the story, discussing the Summit’s move to Massachusetts’ largest Gateway city. “We are thrilled to bring this exciting and important event to Worcester this year. As a Gateway city, Worcester exhibits a lot of the promise and potential that underlie the goals of Massachusetts’ STEM initiative.”
Read article: DCU Center in Worcester to host statewide STEM conference
April 17, 2014