The University of Massachusetts Amherst

UMass Donahue Institute

Media Coverage

In Longwood Medical Area, jobs were being added about twice as fast as in the state overall

A study says employment in Boston’s medical hub grew nearly 30% from 2008 to 2019

From the article:

The Longwood Medical Area has come a long way from the days when Boston Children’s Hospital set up shop on Huntington Avenue with 60 beds and a herd of cows to provide kids with tuberculosis-free milk.

That was back in 1882. Today, these 213 acres where Brookline, Mission Hill, and the Fenway converge are home to 22 institutions that collectively employ 68,000 workers. That number, which includes contract workers such as researchers, grew by about 15,000 from 2008 through 2019, according to a report by the UMass Donahue Institute. That’s a growth rate of nearly 30 percent, or roughly twice the pace of the state’s overall employment growth.

Read article: In Longwood Medical Area, jobs were being added about twice as fast as in the state overall

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